Lake Harmony 20’
My birthday was coming up, and I wanted to plan a getaway with close friends. Of course Wrangler and his girlfriend Callie had to come! I live by the motto "If my dog can't come I'm not coming" haha. I wanted a home that was cozy and had beautiful views of nature. I settled on a home in Lake Harmony, it was across the road from a lake...of course the lake was frozen but still beautiful.
A few days before we left we had a big snowstorm New York, and as usual Pennsylvania had an even bigger storm. Over 2-2 1/2 feet of snow! This only made us more excited for what we had ahead of us. We had planned to go to Hemlock Run Boulder Field, and Hawk Falls two beautiful places within a half hour from the cabin we rented.
Our view from the cabin
After arriving at the cabin we settled in and our mini vacation began! We kicked on the electric fireplace, put on Christmas movies, and exchanged presents for my birthday and christmas. Callie's mom Jess and I must have been on the same brainwave with our gifts. We gave eachother gifts based on Callie and Wrangler, haha. You can tell who rules our lives. One of my favorite gift Jess gave me was basically a starter kit to train Wrangler Scent Work. Scent work is when you train your dog how to find things using one of their most powerful senses, their nose! She also gave me a book that's a bucketlist for Wrangler and I, plus many more. It was perfect. The rest of the night we played games and relaxed with the dogs!
The next day we were ready for the new adventure ahead. We had breakfast and packed the dogs in the trucks and headed for Boulder Field. As we drove closer to our destination the views were beautiful the trees and roads covered in snow, truly a sight to see. We arrive to the entrance and it was closed off to vehicles, the only way to get to Boulder Field was to park and travel through acouple feet of snow for who knows how long. We felt it wasn't the safest for the dogs, but instead of going to our next destination we decided to make the best of it while we were there. I brought Wrangler out of my Jeep and he was so excited to be there! We used the empty road in the park as our playground! Wrangler jumped around in the snow, we played fetch with them and took some beautiful photos.

We then decided to head to Hawk Falls. It was busier then we thought, thankfully, because the earlier people visiting made a path for everyone! We stopped around 40 times to take photos because the sights were just too good to pass up. Wrangler had never experienced snow before these past few days, and we were now surrounded by it. He not even for a moment showed hesitation, or any discomfort. When we finally got to the falls, it was beautiful! Snow every where, beautiful water running around us, truly beautiful and I was so happy to experience it with some of the most important people and of course the best dogs ever!
Once we went back to the cabin we made some food, played more games while the dogs slept off their long day! Laughs, good times, and new memories filled the rest of the night. Waking up the next day I was sad our time in the cabin was ending.
I love getaways like these because we get to experience new adventures and beautiful sights together.
One things for sure...we will be back in the summer to finally see Boulder Field, and the lake!