Separation Anxiety!

Now more then ever I've experienced clients coming in and their dogs are showing beginning signs or are already having issues with separation anxiety. The pandemic allowed for people to have time to get puppies but because of the pandemic majority of households are either working from home, or their kids are doing virtual learning with all of these factors dogs are never home alone. All of the puppies with separation anxiety caused by the pandemic I am calling their anxiety "Pandemic Puppy Syndrome".


Adding a furry member to your family should not hinder your life it should enhance it! You should still be able to have time for your friends, significant other and family. Of course we know how much you love your pets, but teaching them to be independent is the best thing for their mental and physical health!

Signs of separation anxiety

If your wondering if your dog is showing signs of separation here are some signals below
• Excessive barking, crying, whining
• Destructive acts, chewing anything and everything they can get their hands on
• Soiling themselves (pee, poop)
• Panting, drooling
• Constantly trying to escape
• Abnormal or unusual pacing
• Self mutilation

All of these unfortunate issues can be worked on or prevented from the day you bring your new family member home with you!

Here's what you can do to help or prevent Separation anxiety

  • Crate. Crate training should begin as soon as your dog comes home from wherever purchased, adopted etc. (There are exceptions)

  • Exercise. Mental and Physical stimulation will help a bunch. A tired dog will have a better chance of settling down once you leave.

  • Don't encourage over clingy behavior, instead encourage independent behaviors.

  • Natural supplements or medication in severe cases

  • Don’t be overly excited when you are leaving your home or once you get home.

One thing to remember is not every situation is the same, so these methods may or may not work for you. We definitely recommended that you hire a local trainer that can help you with separation anxiety. Once separation anxiety starts it is a complicated, and delicate process to work with that will not be fixed overnight!




Canine Fitness Month!